Elevating User Experience: Collaborating on My Beeline App Updates

Elevating User Experience: Collaborating on My Beeline App Updates

Collaborating on My Beeline App updates to elevate user experience.

Elevating User Experience: Collaborating on My Beeline App UpdatesElevating User Experience: Collaborating on My Beeline App Updates
Beeline Kazakhstan
Mobile Development


My Beeline app aims to streamline the management of Beeline services for subscribers through its user-friendly interface and comprehensive online features. The collaboration between our team and Beeline Kazakhstan facilitated the implementation of updates and new functionalities to meet the evolving needs of subscribers.


The collaboration between our team and Beeline Kazakhstan resulted in the successful enhancement of the My Beeline app, offering subscribers a more convenient and streamlined experience for managing their Beeline services. The updated features and improved functionalities reflect our mutual commitment to delivering innovative solutions that meet the evolving needs of users in today's digital landscape.

Key Features:

  1. Caller Identification: Identify incoming calls for efficient management.
  2. Conference Calls: Easily add a third participant for collaboration.
  3. Call Transfers: Seamlessly transfer calls for uninterrupted communication.
  4. Caller ID Customization: Personalize outgoing calls with selected numbers.
  5. Quick Redial: Conveniently follow up with the last called number.
  6. Call History: Access detailed call records with search and filter options for insights.
  7. Other Settings: Customize experience with DND mode, avatar management, and password resets.

Customer Benefits:

  1. Enhanced Accessibility: Manage business calls conveniently from anywhere with internet access, extending VoIPcloud's Webphone platform's reach.
  2. Improved Flexibility: Stay connected and productive on the go with mobile apps, freeing users from desktop constraints.
  3. Streamlined Communication: Intuitive interface and feature-rich functionality streamline communication processes for efficient call handling.
  4. Personalized Experience: Customize Caller ID and settings for a tailored app experience, enhancing productivity and satisfaction.


In conclusion, the collaboration between our team and VoIPcloud resulted in the successful development and launch of mobile applications for the Webphone platform. By leveraging mobile technology, VoIPcloud extends the reach and capabilities of its services, empowering users with enhanced accessibility, flexibility, and efficiency in managing their business calls.

Future Outlook:

As VoIPcloud continues to innovate and evolve, our team remains committed to supporting their growth by providing ongoing updates, enhancements, and technical support for the Webphone mobile applications. With a shared vision for excellence and innovation, VoIPcloud is poised to continue leading the way in delivering cutting-edge telecommunications solutions to businesses worldwide.

About Customer:

Kompanion Bank creates conditions for the financial stability of our clients, expands access to banking services and strives to provide first-class service.

As the world's leading economic development and relief organization, Mercy Corps (Mercy Corps) began implementing the first microcredit program in Kyrgyzstan in 1997. It is this activity that is the main help to people in the transition from a controlled to a market economy.

And already in mid-1998, Mercy Corps opened its own lending program for small and medium-sized businesses. At that time, Mercy Corps became the first organization in Kyrgyzstan to offer small and medium-sized business loans to individual entrepreneurs. In February 2003, the program was registered as a local microcredit agency, founded by Mercy Corps.

Later in 2003, Mercy Corps and five Mercy Corps microcredit agencies made a historic decision to consolidate assets throughout Kyrgyzstan to form a national financial institution for community development - Kompanion. In October 2004, Kompanion was registered by the National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Key Features:

  1. Money Transfers: Users can easily send money both domestically and internationally through the Kompanion Wallet app, providing a convenient and secure way to transfer funds to family, friends, or business partners.
  2. Bill Payments: The app allows users to pay bills for more than 200 service providers, including utilities, telecommunications, and more, streamlining the process of managing recurring expenses.
  3. Deposit Management: Users can open and top up deposits online, enabling them to save and grow their money with ease through the Kompanion Wallet app.
  4. Loan Repayment: Kompanion Wallet facilitates loan repayment, allowing users to conveniently manage and settle their outstanding loans directly from the app.
  5. Additional Features: New features such as ordering a card without leaving home, viewing and paying manually issued fines, and QR code payments enhance the app's functionality, providing users with added convenience and flexibility in managing their finances.

User Experience:

Kompanion Wallet prioritizes user experience, offering a seamless and intuitive interface that caters to users of all levels of financial literacy. The app's user-friendly design and easy navigation ensure that users can effortlessly access and utilize its various features and services.


In conclusion, the Kompanion Wallet app represents a significant advancement in the realm of mobile banking and financial management in Kyrgyzstan. By offering a comprehensive suite of features and services, the app empowers users to take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals with convenience and ease.

Future Outlook:

As Kompanion Wallet continues to evolve, our team remains committed to enhancing its features, expanding its capabilities, and delivering unparalleled value to users. With the mission of revolutionizing banking and financial management in Kyrgyzstan, Kompanion Wallet is poised to redefine the way individuals approach financial transactions and wealth management in the digital age.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Stay updated on various topics in Kyrgyzstan and beyond.
  • Real-Time Updates: Receive breaking news alerts as events unfold.
  • Commenting and Sharing: Engage with articles and share them on social media.
  • Customized Filters: Personalize your news feed based on interests.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Enjoy a seamless news browsing experience.


The Kaktus Media app, developed in collaboration with Kaktus Media by [Your Company Name], represents a significant milestone in the digital transformation of news delivery in Kyrgyzstan. By offering users access to a wide range of news articles, real-time updates, and interactive features, the app empowers users to stay informed and engaged with the latest developments in their country and around the world. With its user-friendly interface, customizable filters, and commitment to journalistic excellence, the Kaktus Media app sets a new standard for news consumption in Kyrgyzstan.


  1. Overloaded Feed: Users encountered delays and lags due to the app struggling to handle large amounts of data within the feed.
  2. Inefficient Data Processing: The app's data processing mechanisms were not optimized, leading to slow loading times and increased resource consumption.
  3. Heavy Animations: Excessive animations within the app contributed to performance issues, hindering smooth navigation.
  4. Auto-playing Videos: Videos initiating playback automatically during scrolling caused interruptions and impacted the overall user experience negatively.


  1. Optimized Data Handling: The development team optimized data processing algorithms and implemented efficient caching mechanisms to streamline feed loading and improve overall app performance.
  2. Animation Optimization: Excessive animations were either reduced or replaced with lighter alternatives to reduce resource consumption and ensure smoother navigation.
  3. User-Controlled Video Playback: Videos were modified to play only upon user interaction, preventing automatic playback during scrolling and minimizing interruptions.
  4. Thorough Testing and Iteration: The updated features underwent rigorous testing across various device configurations to ensure compatibility and optimal performance.


Reddit addressed overloaded feeds, inefficient data processing, heavy animations, and auto-playing videos, resulting in a better mobile app experience. Optimizations led to enhanced performance, higher user satisfaction, and increased retention rates, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing user experience and continuous iteration based on feedback.

Customer feedback:

“We are very pleased with the result of cooperation with the company. They showed high professionalism and completed the assigned tasks efficiently. Our Reddit mobile application has become popular among users due to its user-friendly interface and wide functionality.” - Reddit Rep.

Call-to-Action (CTA):

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    1. Diverse User Base: Aitu Messenger caters to a diverse user base with varying communication preferences and language preferences, requiring a robust and adaptable platform.
    2. Security Concerns: Ensuring the safety and privacy of user data and communications is paramount in any messaging app, requiring robust security measures.
    3. User Engagement: With the abundance of messaging apps available in the market, engaging users and retaining their interest poses a significant challenge


  1. Community-Based Chats: We developed features to enable users to find and join communities based on their interests, fostering meaningful connections and conversations.
  2. Secure Communication: We implemented state-of-the-art encryption protocols and security measures to safeguard user data and communications, ensuring privacy and confidentiality.
  3. Multilingual Support: Aitu Messenger was designed with multilingual support to cater to users from diverse linguistic backgrounds, offering a seamless experience in Kazakh, Russian, and English.
  4. Engagement Features: We integrated features such as audio and video calls, voice messages, sticker exchanges, and reactions to enhance user engagement and enrich the communication experience.


The development and implementation of Aitu Messenger have played a significant role in enhancing the Aitu super app, offering users a comprehensive communication solution tailored to their needs. By prioritizing safety, convenience, and user engagement, Aitu Messenger has become an indispensable tool for communication, entertainment, and convenience for users across diverse demographics.

About Aitu Messenger:

Aitu Messenger is an integral part of the Aitu super app, offering users a versatile platform to connect with friends, family, and like-minded individuals. With its emphasis on safety, convenience, and multilingual support (Kazakh, Russian, and English), Aitu Messenger has become a go-to choice for communication among users.


Aitube, developed by Aitu-DALA, represents a significant milestone in the evolution of Kazakhstan's digital content ecosystem. By providing a platform for local creators to showcase their talent and offering viewers a diverse range of engaging content, Aitube is poised to become the go-to destination for Kazakhstani entertainment enthusiasts. With its user-friendly interface, personalized recommendations, and interactive community features, Aitube is set to revolutionize the way people consume and engage with digital content in Kazakhstan and beyond.


With the GOIN' Taxi App, GOIN’ continues to revolutionize mobility solutions for individuals with disabilities. By offering a platform that integrates various ride providers and prioritizes accessibility, GOIN’ empowers users to travel with freedom and independence. Through ongoing innovation and partnerships, GOIN’ remains committed to enhancing transportation accessibility and inclusivity for communities.


DCB 360, developed for Dos Credobank, represents a significant leap forward in the realm of personal finance management in Kyrgyzstan. By providing users with a feature-rich mobile banking experience, Dos Credobank aims to empower its customers with greater control over their finances and enhance their overall banking experience. With its intuitive interface, robust features, and commitment to customer satisfaction, DCB 360 is poised to revolutionize the way people manage their finances in Kyrgyzstan.

About DCB 360 App:

DCB 360 is a comprehensive mobile banking application designed to simplify everyday financial management tasks. Users can track their account balances, monitor active loans and deposits, and conveniently locate the nearest bank branch or self-service device using the app's geolocation feature. With a streamlined registration process and identity verification, accessing financial products and services through DCB 360 is quick and hassle-free.

Results and Feedbacks:

The collaboration between our mobile outsource company and Key App has yielded significant outcomes and positive feedback from users:

  • Enhanced Financial Freedom: Key App has empowered users with newfound financial freedom, allowing them to transact, invest, and manage their digital assets with confidence and convenience, free from the constraints of traditional banking systems.
  • Positive User Experience: Users have praised Key App for its intuitive interface, seamless transaction experience, and robust security features, citing the fee-free transactions, decentralized asset control, and easy account recovery options as key highlights of the app.
  • Market Recognition: Key App has garnered recognition and acclaim within the fintech industry, positioning itself as a leading player in the competitive landscape of P2P wallet applications, with a growing user base and expanding market reach.

Key Features:

  1. Fee-Free Transactions: Key App enables users to send USDC, USDT, SOL, and other digital assets worldwide without incurring any transaction fees, ensuring cost-effective and efficient transfers for users across the globe.
  2. Zero-Fee Crypto Investment: With Key App, users can invest in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and more without paying any fees, opening doors to financial opportunities and wealth accumulation in the rapidly evolving crypto market.
  3. Decentralized Asset Control: Key App puts users in full control of their crypto assets, ensuring that only they have access to their private keys and funds. Through decentralized control mechanisms, users can rest assured that their assets remain secure and tamper-proof at all times.
  4. Seamless Account Recovery: Key App offers easy account recovery options using phone numbers and Google accounts, streamlining the process of regaining access to funds in case of device loss or account compromise, while eliminating the need for cumbersome paper backups.

The App Purpose:

 Key App P2P Wallet serves as a groundbreaking solution for individuals seeking a hassle-free and secure means to send, receive, and invest in various digital assets, including stablecoins like USDC and USDT, as well as cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). With zero fees, decentralized control, and intuitive account recovery options, Key App empowers users to navigate the complexities of the digital economy with ease and peace of mind.

About the Customer:

Key App, driven by a passion for financial inclusivity and innovation, embarked on a mission to develop a user-centric P2P wallet application that democratizes access to digital finance. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and a customer-centric approach, Key App aims to revolutionize the way individuals transact, invest, and manage their digital assets in an increasingly interconnected world.

About Customer:

 BTS Digital is a dynamic digital start-up based in Kazakhstan, driven by a vision to revolutionize the digital experience for the country's population.

With a diverse team of professionals hailing from all corners of the globe, BTS Digital brings together a wealth of talent and expertise to create innovative solutions that transcend borders.

Driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence, BTS Digital is dedicated to delivering best-in-class solutions that exceed expectations and set new benchmarks in the digital industry.

Through a culture of continuous learning and improvement, BTS Digital strives to stay ahead of the curve and remain at the forefront of innovation.

As BTS Digital continues to chart new territories and expand its footprint, its unwavering commitment to its vision, values, and customers remains steadfast, propelling it towards a future of endless possibilities and opportunities.


Our team tackled these challenges by developing a comprehensive solution that prioritizes security, usability, and interoperability. Key aspects of our solution included:

  1. Secure Transactions: Aitu Wallet incorporates advanced encryption protocols and security measures to safeguard user data and financial transactions, ensuring peace of mind for users.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: We designed Aitu Wallet with an intuitive user interface that makes it easy for users to pay for purchases, transfer funds, and top up their wallets at Kassa 24 terminals.
  3. Seamless Integration: Aitu Wallet seamlessly integrates with Kassa 24 terminals across Kazakhstan, allowing users to conveniently top up their wallets at thousands of locations nationwide.
  4. Fee-Free Transfers: Aitu Wallet distinguishes itself by offering fee-free fund transfers, providing users with a cost-effective solution for sending money to friends, family, or businesses.


  1. Security: Prioritizing robust encryption and authentication to safeguard financial transactions.
  2. User Adoption: Overcoming concerns regarding security, usability, and convenience to encourage adoption.
  3. Infrastructure Integration: Addressing technical hurdles for seamless integration with existing financial systems like Kassa 24 terminals.


The development and implementation of Aitu Wallet have transformed the landscape of digital transactions, offering users a secure, convenient, and cost-effective solution for managing their finances. By prioritizing security, usability, and interoperability, Aitu Wallet has emerged as a trusted platform within the Aitu super app ecosystem, empowering users to take control of their financial lives with confidence.


  1. Antiquated Software Solutions: The dental industry was plagued by outdated and cumbersome practice management software that failed to meet the needs of modern dental practices.
  2. Lack of User-Friendly Options: Existing software options were often difficult to use and did not provide the level of efficiency and convenience desired by dental professionals.
  3. Costly Add-Ons: Many software solutions charged extra for essential features, leading to additional expenses and complexity for dental practices.


Asprodental is a groundbreaking cloud-based dental practice management software designed to streamline workflows and enhance productivity for dental professionals. Our collaboration with Asprodental involved building the software from scratch and assisting the company in achieving its goals of providing modern, efficient, and user-friendly software solutions for dental practices.


The collaboration between our team and Asprodental has resulted in the successful development and implementation of a groundbreaking cloud-based practice management software for the dental industry. With its modern design, comprehensive features, and fair pricing model, Asprodental is empowering dental practices to thrive in the digital age.


  1. Enhanced User Experience: The primary goal of updating the My Beeline app is to enhance user experience. This encompasses improving usability, simplifying navigation, and ensuring that accessing Beeline services through the app is intuitive and seamless for all users.
  2. Increased Customer Engagement: The aim is to increase customer engagement with the My Beeline app by introducing new features and functionalities. This includes providing personalized offers, rewards, and interactive elements to encourage users to actively utilize the app for managing their Beeline services.
  3. Streamlined Service Management: Another goal is to streamline the management of Beeline services within the app. This involves enabling users to easily view and manage their account details, check usage, change tariff plans, and activate or deactivate additional services with minimal effort.
  4. Convenient Payment Options: Simplifying payment processes is a key objective for the My Beeline app. The goal is to offer users a variety of convenient payment options, including mobile payments, card payments, and automatic payment setups, to make paying bills and topping up balances hassle-free.
  5. Enhanced Security Measures: Ensuring the security and privacy of user data is paramount. The goal is to implement robust security measures, such as two-factor authentication and encryption protocols, to protect users' personal and financial information from unauthorized access or breaches.

Updated Features:

  1. Authentication and Registration: Users can conveniently log in using their phone number or "Internet Dom" login. Additionally, biometric authentication options such as fingerprint or FaceID enhance security and user convenience. Registration process has been optimized to be completed within a minute.
  2. Beeline Product Management: Subscribers can easily view their remaining internet, call, and message allowances, change tariff plans, and manage additional services within the app. The option to top up balance directly from a linked card and set up Auto Payment for balances below a certain threshold adds further convenience.
  3. Payment and Transfers: The app facilitates balance transfers between Beeline accounts, payment via QR codes in public transport, and payment for various services such as utilities, online gaming, and betting directly from the balance.
  4. Additional Features: Users can access detailed expenditure and top-up statements, manage additional numbers, activate special offers, and find answers to queries in the Help section. The app also provides information on Beeline offices and service points for further assistance.

About the Customer:

Bookit is a leading flight booking service based in Kyrgyzstan, specializing in providing fast and convenient solutions for searching and purchasing air tickets. With a focus on speed, extensive ticket selection, and versatile payment methods, Bookit caters to travelers' needs, allowing them to find and book flights within minutes, whether for business or leisure purposes.

Development Process:

 The development process for enhancing the Bookit flight booking app involved a thorough analysis of user feedback, market trends, and industry best practices. Our team worked closely with Bookit to understand their specific requirements and vision for the app. We conducted extensive UX/UI research and design iterations to create a seamless and intuitive booking experience for users across both Android and iOS platforms.

Key Features:

  1. Fast Ticket Search: Streamlined search for flights based on preferences.
  2. Extensive Ticket Selection: Access to a wide range of economy and business class flights worldwide.
  3. Convenient Payments: Support for various payment methods including cards, mobile banking, and terminals in Kyrgyzstan.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design for easy navigation and smooth booking.
  5. Personalized Experience: Tailored recommendations and notifications based on user preferences.
  6. Cross-Platform Availability: Now available on iOS, catering to both Android and iOS users seamlessly.

Customer Benefits:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: The updated app provides users with a more intuitive and seamless booking experience, saving time and effort in finding and purchasing flight tickets.
  2. Increased Accessibility: With the launch of the iOS app, Bookit expands its reach to iOS users, tapping into a new market segment and enhancing its market presence.
  3. Improved Engagement: New features and personalized recommendations help increase user engagement and retention, fostering long-term relationships with customers.
  4. Convenient Payment Options: The support for various payment methods ensures flexibility and convenience for users, accommodating their preferences and needs.


  • Develop a visually appealing website that reflects the brand identity of Geraldika Kyrgyzstan.
  • Create an intuitive navigation structure to facilitate easy browsing of products and services.
  • Implement features for online catalog browsing, delivery options, payment methods, and company information.
  • Ensure compatibility across different devices and browsers for a seamless user experience.
  • Optimize the website for search engines to enhance online visibility.

Website Structure:

  1. Homepage: A visually engaging landing page highlighting key products and services offered by Geraldika Kyrgyzstan.
  2. Catalog: A comprehensive catalog showcasing the range of souvenir products, cabinet coats of arms, relief banknotes, and corporate symbols available for purchase.
  3. Delivery: Information about delivery options, shipping times, and associated costs.
  4. Payment: Details on accepted payment methods, secure transaction processes, and refund policies.
  5. Info: Company background, mission, vision, and contact information.

Key Features:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive navigation and clean layout for easy browsing.
  • Responsive Design: Ensured compatibility across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.
  • Search Functionality: Integrated search feature for quick product discovery.
  • Online Catalog: Organized product listings with detailed descriptions and high-quality images.
  • Secure Payment Gateway: Implemented secure payment options for safe transactions.
  • Contact Form: User-friendly contact form for inquiries and feedback.


Geraldika Kyrgyzstan sought to establish a strong online presence to showcase its range of products and services, streamline the ordering process, and provide essential information to customers. The goal was to create a user-friendly website that reflects the company's commitment to quality and craftsmanship.


  1. Effective Marketing: Strengthening online marketing efforts to reach a wider audience and showcase listings effectively.
  2. Data Management: Managing real estate data, including listings, sales, and personnel, required a sophisticated CMS.
  3. MLS Integration: Seamless integration with the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) was crucial for accurate property listings.

Our Solution:

  1. Custom Marketing Site: A sleek, user-friendly marketing site was designed and developed. It showcases listings, expertise, and offers resources for buyers and sellers.
  2. Comprehensive CMS: A powerful CMS tailored to Greenwood Properties' needs streamlines listing, sales, and personnel management.
  3. MLS Integration: Seamless integration ensures property listings are automatically synchronized and up-to-date.

Client Feedback:

"Our partnership has been instrumental in elevating our online presence and streamlining our operations. The new site and CMS have empowered us to market our listings effectively and provide exceptional service."


By collaborating with us to develop a custom marketing site and CMS solution, Greenwood Properties has strengthened its position as a real estate leader. Innovative technology has enhanced its online presence, streamlined data management, and delivered superior service to clients.


Impart Home Service App revolutionizes the way residents interact with their residential complexes and buildings developed by IMARAT STROY. By providing a centralized platform for accessing home management services, the app enhances convenience, efficiency, and communication within residential communities.


In conclusion, the Impart Home Service App represents a significant advancement in home management solutions for residential communities developed by IMARAT STROY. By leveraging technology and innovation, the app enhances resident experiences, fosters community engagement, and streamlines operational processes for the management company.

Development Process:

 The development of Impart Home Service App involved a collaborative effort between our team and IMARAT STROY. From conceptualization to deployment, our team worked closely with the construction company to understand the unique needs of residents and design a tailored solution that addresses their requirements effectively.

Future Outlook:

As Impart Home Service App continues to evolve, our team remains committed to enhancing its features, optimizing user experience, and expanding its capabilities to meet the evolving needs of residents and management companies alike. With a focus on innovation and user-centric design, Impart Home Service App is poised to redefine the standard of home management in residential complexes and buildings across Kyrgyzstan.

Key Features:

  1. Billing Info: Access transparent billing details for home maintenance and utilities.
  2. News Updates: Stay informed with the latest announcements and community news.
  3. Service Requests: Report issues and request repairs effortlessly.
  4. Poll Participation: Provide feedback through polls and surveys.
  5. Appointment Scheduling: Schedule maintenance appointments seamlessly.
  6. Payment Management: Conveniently manage payments for home services within the app.


Instabridge aims to redefine the way users access the internet while traveling or working remotely by providing a seamless and cost-effective solution through its eSIM-based connectivity service. The app caters to the needs of travelers, digital nomads, and business professionals who seek reliable internet access across various countries without the hassle of changing SIM cards or incurring exorbitant roaming charges.


 In conclusion, the Instabridge app represents a paradigm shift in the realm of global connectivity, offering users a smarter, more efficient way to stay connected while traveling or working remotely. With its innovative features, cost-effective data plans, and user-friendly interface, Instabridge has quickly become the go-to solution for individuals seeking reliable internet access across borders.


We are extremely satisfied with the outcome of the Instabridge app development project. The team not only delivered a high-quality product but also exceeded our expectations in terms of functionality and usability.

Key Features::

  1. Global Connectivity: Stay connected worldwide with optimized data plans.
  2. Multi-Device Support: Connect all devices seamlessly at no extra cost.
  3. Cost-Efficiency: Avoid roaming fees with personalized data plans.
  4. Data Optimization: Instabridge Browser compresses data for better browsing and longer data plan life.


Introduce Voyager app as a revolutionary platform offering a simple and secure way to invest in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and a wide selection of altcoins in North America. Highlight its unique features such as earning up to 12% on various digital assets, commission-free trading, and its founding team's background in Silicon Valley and Wall Street.

Key Features:

  1. Access to 100+ Cryptocurrencies: Diversify portfolios with a wide range of digital assets.
  2. Earn Up to 12%: Maximize returns with potential earnings on 39 different assets.
  3. Commission-Free Trading: Trade cryptocurrencies without worrying about fees.
  4. User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive platform for traders of all levels.
  5. Robust Security Measures: Advanced encryption and protocols for asset protection.
  6. Industry Expert Backing: Supported by experts from Silicon Valley and Wall Street, ensuring transparency and reliability.


Namba One Company, a pioneering technology provider in Central Asia, envisioned transforming everyday life for users by consolidating essential services into a single, comprehensive platform. The result was Namba One, the region's first Superapp, offering a wide array of convenient services, including food delivery, transportation, marketplace, payment solutions, and more. Our collaboration with Namba One Company aimed to enhance and optimize the Namba One Superapp, providing users with a seamless and efficient experience across all integrated services.


The collaboration between our team and Namba One Company has resulted in the successful optimization and enhancement of the Namba One Superapp, revolutionizing convenience for users across Central Asia. By leveraging technology and innovation, Namba One Company continues to lead the way in simplifying and enhancing the lives of users through cutting-edge technology solutions.


  1. Service Fragmentation: Prior to the development of Namba One, users had to navigate multiple apps and platforms to access various services, leading to fragmentation and inefficiency.
  2. User Experience: The user experience across existing services was inconsistent, resulting in frustration and reduced engagement.
  3. Market Competition: The technology landscape in Central Asia was evolving rapidly, with increasing competition from both local and international players offering similar services


Our team collaborated closely with Namba One Company to optimize the Namba One Superapp. Key aspects included:

  1. Unified Platform: We integrated essential services into a single, user-friendly platform.
  2. Streamlined Experience: We enhanced the interface and user experience for seamless navigation.
  3. Feature Expansion: New functionalities were added, including improved payments, expanded marketplace, and loyalty programs.
  4. Cross-Platform Accessibility: We ensured compatibility by developing iOS and Android versions of the Superapp.


  • Develop a robust inventory system utilizing RFID technology.
  • Enable seamless tracking and management of assets.
  • Improve inventory accuracy and reduce manual errors.
  • Provide real-time visibility into inventory status and location.
  • Enhance overall efficiency and productivity in inventory management.

How RFID Inventory System Works:

  • RFID Tags: Items tagged with unique IDs or info.
  • RFID Readers: Detect and read tags at strategic points.
  • Data Transmission: Tags emit radio waves picked up by readers.
  • Information Retrieval: Reader processes data, sends to central system.
  • Database Integration: System stores tag data, associates with inventory info.
  • Real-Time Tracking: Updates inventory status and location instantly.
  • Inventory Management: Users track assets, monitor stock, and generate reports via web or mobile app interface.


The successful implementation of the RFID inventory system has transformed Smart Tag Solutions' inventory management capabilities. By leveraging RFID technology, STS has achieved higher accuracy, improved efficiency, and enhanced visibility into their inventory operations. As a result, STS is better equipped to meet the evolving needs of their clients and maintain their position as a leader in inventory management solutions.


Stash Investing App revolutionizes the way individuals invest and save for their financial future. With a user-friendly interface, personalized investment options, and educational resources, Stash empowers users to take control of their finances and build wealth over time. This case study delves into the collaborative process of building the Stash Investing App from the ground up.


In conclusion, the Stash Investing App represents a paradigm shift in the world of personal finance, empowering millions of users to invest in their financial future with confidence. Through its innovative features, personalized investment options, and educational resources, Stash has democratized investing and unlocked new opportunities for users to achieve their financial goals.

Key Features:

  1. Diverse Investments: Thousands of stocks and ETFs, with fractional shares for affordability.
  2. Automated Investing: Smart Portfolio feature invests based on goals and risk tolerance, with quarterly rebalancing.
  3. Banking Integration: Banking tools include early direct deposit, debit card with Stock-Back® rewards, and no overdraft fees.
  4. Educational Resources: Personalized guidance and financial education for informed investing decisions.

Future Outlook:

As Stash continues to evolve, our team remains committed to enhancing the app's features, expanding its reach, and delivering unparalleled value to users. With the mission of making investing accessible to all, Stash Investing App is poised to redefine the way individuals approach wealth building and financial freedom.

Key Features:

  1. Personalized Workouts: Tailored programs based on fitness levels and goals.
  2. Extensive Library: Over 550 workouts for diverse objectives.
  3. Quality Videos: Clear instructions ensure proper form.
  4. Apple Watch Integration: Seamlessly syncs for hands-free workouts.
  5. Variety: Offers various routines from strength to cardio.
  6. Progress Tracking: Monitor and set new goals.
  7. Customization: Options for different fitness levels.


By combining innovation, personalization, and convenience, SHOCK Training App has emerged as a leader in women's fitness, empowering users to achieve their health and wellness goals effectively. With its user-friendly interface, extensive workout library, and integration with wearable technology, SHOCK continues to redefine the fitness landscape for women worldwide.


  1. Fragmented Management: Before the introduction of OWL, managing tutoring classes often involved multiple disjointed processes and systems, leading to inefficiencies and frustrations.
  2. Communication Gap: Lack of effective communication channels between tutors, students, and parents hindered the flow of information and updates regarding class schedules, assignments, and performance.
  3. Manual Administrative Tasks: Tedious administrative tasks such as attendance tracking, fee management, and assignment submissions were time-consuming and prone to errors.


Our team developed OWL with a clear vision to provide a comprehensive solution for tutoring management. Key aspects included:

  • Feature-rich Platform: Incorporating time-table management, study material organization, live chat, online tests, assignment submissions, fee management, announcements, and smart attendance tracking.
  • Intuitive User Interface: Focused on creating a user-friendly design for easy navigation.
  • Real-time Communication: Facilitating communication between tutors, students, and parents.
  • Automation: Implementing features to minimize manual tasks and improve efficiency.


The development and implementation of OWL have transformed the landscape of tutoring management, offering a seamless and transparent solution for all stakeholders involved. By leveraging technology and innovation, OWL has empowered educators, students, and parents to engage more effectively in the learning process, ultimately leading to better outcomes and experiences.

About Customer:

Kompanion Bank strives to ensure financial stability and broaden access to banking services while providing top-notch customer service. Initially established by Mercy Corps in 1997, Kompanion evolved from a microcredit program into a national financial institution for community development. Through its pioneering microcredit efforts, Kompanion has been instrumental in supporting individuals and small businesses in transitioning to a market economy. With Mercy Corps' expertise in economic development and relief, Kompanion continues to drive impactful initiatives and expand its reach in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Key Features:

  • Mobile Wallet Top-up: Agents add funds to Kompanion Bank mobile wallets.
  • Cash Withdrawals: Agents process remote cash withdrawals for customers.
  • Mobile Balance Recharge: Agents recharge mobile phone balances directly.
  • Loan Repayment: Facilitates remote loan repayments for Kompanion Bank customers through authorized agents.

Development Process:

 The development of Kompanion Agent app involved close collaboration between our team and Kompanion Bank. From conceptualization to deployment, our team worked closely with the bank to ensure that the app's features align with the needs of agents and the broader banking ecosystem in Kyrgyzstan.

Future Outlook:

As Kompanion Agent app continues to evolve, our team remains committed to enhancing its features, optimizing user experience, and expanding its reach to serve more customers across Kyrgyzstan. With a focus on innovation and inclusivity, Kompanion Agent app is poised to redefine the landscape of remote banking services in the region.


In conclusion, the Kompanion Agent app plays a pivotal role in expanding the reach of banking services and fostering financial inclusion across Kyrgyzstan. By empowering agents to serve as remote banking service providers, the app contributes to bridging the gap between traditional banking and underserved communities.


Bi Taxi (formerly known as Namba Taxi) is a popular taxi service in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, offering quick and convenient transportation solutions to residents and visitors of the city. Our collaboration with Namba One Company aimed to improve and optimize the Bi Taxi app for both iOS and Android platforms, enhancing user experience and functionality.


The collaboration between our team and Namba One Company has led to significant improvements in the Bi Taxi (ex-Namba Taxi) app, enhancing user experience and functionality. By leveraging technology and innovation, Bi Taxi continues to provide residents and visitors of Bishkek with a reliable and convenient transportation solution.


  1. User Experience: While the Bi Taxi app offered essential features for booking taxis, there were opportunities to improve the overall user experience and make the app more intuitive and user-friendly.
  2. Technical Optimization: As technology evolves, it was important to ensure that the app remained optimized and compatible with the latest devices and operating systems.
  3. Competition: With the increasing competition in the ride-hailing industry, it was crucial for Bi Taxi to stay ahead by offering innovative features and superior user experience.


Our team collaborated with Namba One Company to enhance the Bi Taxi app. Key aspects of our solution:

  • UI Redesign: Improved visual appeal and usability.
  • Feature Enhancement: Introduced real-time taxi tracking, manual address input, and improved communication.
  • Technical Optimization: Enhanced performance and compatibility.
  • Quality Assurance: Thorough testing to ensure high standards of quality and reliability.


the development of the Eurohunter websites reflects a strategic approach to meeting the diverse needs of both job seekers and employers in Central Asia and Europe. By providing informative content, transparent processes, and easy communication channels, Eurohunter has positioned itself as a trusted partner in facilitating employment opportunities across borders.

User Feedback:

  1. "The updated My Beeline app has made managing my Beeline services effortless. From checking my remaining allowances to paying bills, everything I need is now just a tap away."
  2. "I appreciate the added security features like fingerprint login and FaceID. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my account is protected while accessing it through the app."
  3. "The option to pay for utilities and other services directly from my Beeline balance is incredibly convenient. It saves me time and hassle, especially when I'm on the go."
  4. "The new features introduced in the My Beeline app, such as detailed expenditure breakdowns and additional number management, have significantly improved my overall experience as a Beeline subscriber."
Elevating User Experience: Collaborating on My Beeline App Updates

What our great customers say

“Their communication and collaboration are excellent, agreeing on deliverables to easily achieve goals. Overall, they immediately address issues and requests.

Kubanych Jumabek
PO at Kompanion

“They seamlessly integrated mobile developers and a tech lead into our team, enhancing KeyApp's functionality and project speed. Highly recommended!"

Nick Shtefan
CTO at KeyApp

“Interkit provided invaluable expertise and dedication to our project. They showed deep expertise in mobile apps development and security"

Sergey Skripnik
CEO at Bindap

“Interkit made our VoIP telephone features mobile-ready, providing reliability and flexibility for our team.

Nikolay Tretiachenko
CEO at VoIPLine